武相 10-1 横浜隼人

第106回全国高校野球選手権神奈川大会 準々決勝
Warning: include(2024-0720-1000/team-1-ex.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 112

Warning: include(): Failed opening '2024-0720-1000/team-1-ex.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php-8.1.29/data/pear') in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 112
/ 三塁側:
Warning: include(2024-0720-1000/team-2-ex.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 113

Warning: include(): Failed opening '2024-0720-1000/team-2-ex.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php-8.1.29/data/pear') in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 113

Warning: include(2024-0720-1000/place-ex.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 114

Warning: include(): Failed opening '2024-0720-1000/place-ex.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php-8.1.29/data/pear') in /home/xs300182/kanagawa-baseball.com/public_html/sokuho/template.php on line 114

武相 402 202 0 =10
隼人 100 000 X =1


[武] 八木、仲間
[隼] 沼井、加藤
[本] 広橋(武)



武相 10-1 横浜隼人


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